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1 Personal and Travel Information
2 Confirm your details
3 Payment method
Please provide all responses in English

Personal Information

Please provide your Given Name(s) (also known as "First Name") exactly as shown on your passport or identity document. ?

Enter your First Name as shown on your passport This field is required.
In the Family Name field, enter your family name as the family name appears on your passport under the Family Name or Surname field. The family name is required to complete the application. ?

Enter your Family Name as shown on your passport This field is required.
In the Birth Date field, chose the day on which you were born. The day of birth is required to complete the application ?
Select a correct date
In the Country field, choose the country. The nationality is required to complete the application. ?
Select one option

Select one of the options
Type of Identification document ?
Select one option
Identification number ?
This field is required.
Enter the e-mail address at which you can be contacted. The e-mail address is required to complete the application. If you do not have an e-mail address, you may provide an alternative third-party e-mail address belonging to a point of contact (e.g. a family member, friend or business associate). ?
The email is not correct
Your email does not match
Mobile phone number (please include country code if applicable) ?

(including country and city codes) on which you can be reached if needed / (včetně předvoleb), na kterém budete v případě potřeby dostupný(á) This field is required.

Transportation Type

Countries visited 14 days prior to the arrival in the Czech Republic, except for countries where the passenger was less than 12 hours (e.g. transit countries) / Země navštívené 14 dní před přicestováním do České republiky, mimo země, kde byl cestující méně než 12 hod. (např. tranzitní země) ?

Except for countries where the passenger was less than 12 hours (e.g. transit countries) / Mimo země, kde byl cestující méně než 12 hod. (např. tranzitní země) Select one option
Please select how you will be travelling ?
Select one option
Date of departure / Datum zahájení letu, jízdy ?
Select a correct date
Places of stay in the Czech Republic during 14 days after arrival in the Czech Republic / Místa pobytu v České republice v období následujících 14 dnů po přicestování do České republiky (Hotel Name / Street Name/ transit passenger)

Hotel Name / Street Name/ Transit passenger. This field is required.
Any family members under the age of 18 traveled with you? / Cestovali se mnou rodinní příslušníci mladší 18 let ?
Select one option

Health Questions

I am aware that in the last 14 days I have been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 / Jsem si vědom, že v posledních 14 dnech jsem byl v kontaktu s osobou, u které bylo odhaleno onemocnění COVID-19
Select one option

Declaration of Applicant